Wake County Continuum of Care – NC 507

It is our goal to have a transparent, open, and inclusive Continuum of Care (CoC) that is in alignment with HUD requirements and national best practices. We encourage you to read our Wake County Continuum of Care Charter, for a full detail of our governing process.

A New Path Forward

The Raleigh Wake Partnership to End Homelessness was created to provide a home for the Wake County Continuum of Care.

In this role, the Partnership is the Lead Agency (HMIS, CAS, Planning) and Collaborative Applicant for funding through the CoC Program.

Raleigh Wake Partnership to End Homelessness logo

Share your News & Events

Wake CoC Digest is an email platform to share upcoming events, announcements, or job postings!

All events and announcements should be directly related to the Homeless Response System. Job postings are for our CoC Member agencies to include Homeless Service Provider positions and System Partner postings.

Membership Application

The Wake County Continuum of Care (CoC) is accepting applications for membership from organizations and unaffiliated individuals who wish to work collaboratively to end homelessness and alleviate its hardships.

Contact Kim Crawford at (919) 443-0098 kcrawford@partnershipwake.org