2022 COC NOFO Funding
The Wake County Continuum of Care (CoC) is charged by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to submit a community-wide application for homeless assistance funds.
HUD has not certified the exact funding available for the FY2022 Competition at this time, however, the CoC anticipates the opportunity to apply for a minimum of $4,186,906 (NC-507 estimated Annual Renewal Demand). Additional funding will be available for a DV Bonus that is up to 10% of the CoC’s Preliminary Pro-Rata Need (PPRN), for CoC Bonus up to 5% of the Final Pro-Rata Need (FPRN) and 3% of the FPRN for the annual CoC Planning grant.
NC507 will accept project application for the following projects based on community priorities:
- Renewal, New or Expansion Permanent Supportive Housing Projects (PSH)
- Renewal, New or Expansion Rapid Re-Housing Projects (RRH)
- Renewal and Expansion Coordinated Entry Project (CE Lead Only through Reallocation or CoC Bonus)
- New Coordinated Entry Projects serving survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking who qualify as homeless under paragraph (4) of 24 CFR 578.3 9 (CE Lead Only)
- Renewal and Expansion HMIS Project (HMIS Lead Only through Reallocation or CoC Bonus)
Note: Projects must be ready to begin in calendar year 2023.
NC507 supports prospective applicants and projects that address historic inequities for marginalized communities of color and other underserved and underrepresented communities in the CoC and produce high-quality services and housing opportunities that enable persons to remain and thrive in their communities. NC507 strives to fund eligible applicants proposing to meet this goal with a project proposal that addresses the specific needs of marginalized communities of color, created in collaboration with community partners and persons with lived experience which support NC507 plans and strategies. Successful applicants will demonstrate clear strategies that address inequities for underserved persons and marginalized communities for housing and/or support services in Wake County.
Information about Continuum of Care program activities and requirements can be found at HUD Exchange, Continuum of Care Program.
All local competition information including the 2022 Scorecard for the Wake County CoC (NC507) FY2022 Competition for New and Renewal Projects will be posted on this page.
Arrangements will be made to provide technical assistance or review of any or all parts of Wake’s CoC (NC507) application process, details, and obligations in a manner that is effective for persons with disabilities or any person with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
Se harán arreglos para proporcionar asistencia técnica o revisión de cualquiera o todas las partes del proceso de solicitud, detalles y obligaciones de CoC de Wake (NC507) de una manera que sea efectiva para las personas con discapacidades o cualquier persona con dominio limitado del inglés (LEP).
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) – Process Timeline
Tentative and subject to change as information becomes available
Each year the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) releases a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) which outlines the requirements and deadlines of the Continuum of Care Program competition.
How do I get funding?
Intent to Apply Open
Wake CoC agencies that are interested in applying for projects in the 2022 CoC competition are asked to fill out the Intent to Apply form. It is mandatory that all agencies wanting to apply for CoC funding complete an Intent to Apply this year.