CoC Governance
The CoC is governed by a board composed of community members invested in the issue of homelessness. The CoC Board is an independent entity, but is not incorporated, so must appoint a local entities to conduct business on behalf of the Board and CoC at large.
Governing Board
Funding Review Committee
The Funding Review Committee reviews and ranks project applications for funding through the CoC NOFA and other approved funding sources. This group develops fair and transparent processes for determining what projects and organizations receive funding.
Nominations Committee
Coordinated Access System (CAS) Committee
The CAS Committee provides macro-level oversight of the Coordinated Access System. This group collaborates, troubleshoots issues and makes recommendations for system improvements to the CoC Governing Board.
Data Advisory Committee
Homeless Emergency Response Committee (HERC)
Racial Equity Committee
The Racial Equity Committee evaluates the CoC policies and data related to racial equity to ensure that access to safe and affordable services and housing is the norm for African American, American Indian, and LatinX peoples. This group monitors the extent that marginalized populations are overrepresented in the homeless system and recommends policy changes based on data and best practices.
Work Groups
Work Groups are formed to address a specific topic or issue on a limited time basis. They typically report directly to the Governing Board.
CoC Charter Review Work Group
This group is responsible for reviewing and updating the establishing charter of the NC 507 Continuum of Care.
Street Outreach Work Group
This group is responsible for planning, coordinating, and ensuring the PIT count is carried out in Wake County.