Funding Review Committee
Apply to Join the Funding Review Committee
Upcoming Committee Events
Members of the Funding Review Committee
- Michele Grant (Chair): Former Director for City of Raleigh Dept. of Housing and Neighborhoods (Retired)
- Nicole Stewart: AJ Fletcher Foundation
- Lisa Rowe:Â Triangle Literacy Council
- Tia McLaurin: Airbnb
- Vanessa Lucas: Social Security Administration
- Jacqueline Jordan: City of Raleigh
Funding Review Committee Roles & Responsibilities
In order to ensure that the Wake County CoC maintains a transparent process when ranking projects, the FRC responsibilities shall include:
- Ensuring the funding priorities through the scorecard and ranking/selection process for CoC Program NOFA and ESG applications are in alignment with CoC priorities. To be reviewed annually.
- Developing transparent processes, timelines, and tools for ranking projects eligible for funding under the CoC Program and other approved funding.
- Recommend rankings to the CoC Governance Board for a formal vote.
Funding Review Committee Composition
The FRC will consist of no more than 7 members, and no fewer than 5, all of whom will have one vote. FRC slate of seats is recommended by the Membership Committee and elected by the CoC Governance Board annually. Elected positions include population-specific, homeless service areas and other entities. It is possible for one FRC member to cover multiple sections as well as different roles/areas. All members should have knowledge of grant application processes.
- Minimum of 1 CoC Board member
- Minimum of 1 person with lived experience
- Up to 5 other members either within the CoC or with state-wide knowledge of homeless response programs
- The membership should be demographically diverse.
All FRC members must not have a conflict of interest as defined in the Conflict of Interest section of this document. The FRC is committed to a diverse and inclusive oversight committee composition in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, and other factors.
The Membership Committee of the CoC will be charged with monitoring the FRC and undertaking efforts to recruit a diverse membership.
Funding Review Committee Elected Roles
In order to ensure that the CoC membership, Governing Board, and Committees are diverse and inclusive, multiple populations must be represented on the committee. The FRC should make every effort to have representation from each area outlined below by at least (1) one FRC member. It is possible that one committee member may represent more than one area.
- Organizations or government entities that provide funding to address homelessness and/or housing
- Organizations or government entities that provide advocacy to address homelessness and/or housing
- Person with Lived Experience
- Veterans
- Victim Services Provider
- System Partners (behavioral health, justice system, school system, medical system, etc)
- Single Adults
- Families
- Unaccompanied Children and Youth
Expectations of FRC Members & FRC Meetings
It is expected that FRC members participate fully in all aspects of the FRC, attend at least 75% of the FRC meetings. Members must fully participate and engage in all aspects of the committee; and complete external committee work as required. such as review of project applications and supplemental application materials. The meeting schedule will be determined by the FRC Chair, in consultation with FRC members. All meetings are open to the public. Approved copies of committee meeting minutes will be posted on the CoC website.
Elected Roles Term Length & Limits
Terms will be staggered, creating 1-year limits for each member of the FRC, with the ability to renew for two additional 1-year extensions (maximum of 3 years, unless there are extenuating circumstances for a member who is filling an unexpired term). Terms will run January 01- December 31. The first Funding Review Committee will have an extended term of July 1, 2021-December 31, 2022. Term extensions must be requested by the individual elected member and approved by the Committee. If a FRC member leaves before the end of the term, the replacement will be nominated by the Membership Committee and elected by the CoC Governance Board. The replacement will serve to the end of that term, and then must be reappointed or reelected.
Conflict of Interest
Members of the Funding Review Committee are expected to fully participate in discussions and/or decision-making regarding funding of programs or monitoring of programs funded by CoC Program and/or Emergency Solutions Grant funding (ESG). Therefore, persons that are currently, or have been involved in the last 12 months, with an agency receiving CoC Program or ESG funds are prohibited from serving on the FRC. Involvement includes employment, serving as a board member or volunteer, or having a financial interest. Persons with lived experience that are currently, or have been served in the last 12 months, by a project receiving CoC Program or ESG funds are prohibited from serving. They can, however, be served by another project in the same agency.
In addition, the potential for conflict of interest is reviewed. For purposes of assessing potential conflict of interest, FRC members are asked to disclose information on themselves, their spouse, and other family members. Family members include children, parents, grandparents/grandchildren, uncles/aunts, siblings, in-laws, significant other, or other members of the immediate household.
If at any point a consumer/ individual/household/provider wishes to address a complaint or grievance with a provider or agency with representation on the FRC, that member shall recuse themselves from participating in those proceedings or voting on the outcome of that issue. In addition, FRC members must abide by all other CoC policies.
Process for FRC Member Selection
Membership Committee recruits and nominates committee members for the CoC Governance Board to elect. The FRC will vote for the Chair of the FRC. The Chair will coordinate with the Membership Committee to solicit nominations for open seats from the community via website posting, agency distribution and CoC email list. The open seats will specify which roles/areas need to be covered, using the FRC Application Form.
Nominations will be collected and reviewed by the CoC Membership Committee with input from the FRC. The first Funding Review Committee will have an extended term of July 1, 2021-December 31, 2022.