HUD System Performance Measures (SPM)

Tracking flow into the system aka “Inflow”

Measure 2: Extent to which Persons who Exit Homelessness to Permanent Housing Destinations Return to Homelessness 

(Reports on those who were permanently housed in the 2 years prior to the reporting period who subsequently became homeless. Note that most people who de-stabilize do so within 6 months of housing)

Measure 2 - Fiscal Year 2020

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Measure 2 - Fiscal Year 2020 Project Performance

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Return to Homelessness (Measure 2) Synopsis:

CoC – NC-507 has 322 persons return to homelessness after 2 years from clients who have exited to a permanent housing destination. This is a return to homelessness rate of 24%

Areas of Concern

Emergency Shelters:

Emergency Shelters accounted for 693 persons or 51% of the total exits to permanent housing. 248 individuals or 36% of those who have exited to permanent housing from Emergency Shelter projects have returned to homelessness within 2 years. The 248 persons who have return to homelessness from Emergency Shelter exits comprise of 77% of the total returns.

Returns in Less than 6 months from exit:

54% of those who have returned to homelessness did so in less than 6 months from a permanent housing destination. Most of the returns (86%) were from persons who exited from an Emergency Shelter.  For comparison, 25% of persons who returned to homelessness did so in 6-12 months and 21% returned to homelessness in 13-24 months.

What’s Working

Permanent Housing (PH) Projects:

Permanent Housing project such as Rapid Re-housing (RRH) and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) have shown to have the greatest success of breaking the cycle of homelessness. Permanent Housing (PH) project account for 508 persons or 38% of the total exits to a permanent housing destination and have a 2-year return to homelessness rate of only 10% which is the lowest return to homelessness rate in the CoC.

Measure 5: Number of Persons who Become Homeless for the First Time

(Reports on those who are newly homeless as determined by having no HMIS enrollments in the past 2 years)

Metric 5.1

Change in number of persons entering ES, SH, TH, with no prior enrollments in HMIS

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Metric 5.2

Change in number of persons entering ES, SH, TH, and PH projects with no prior enrollments in HMIS

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First Time Homelessness (Measure 5) Synopsis:


CoC – NC-507 had 3354 unduplicated entries for all projects in the 2020 fiscal year (10/1/2019 to 9/30/2020) this is a -805 difference or -19.4% decrease from the 2019 fiscal year. A decrease for the 2020 fiscal year was expected due to COVID-19’s impact on projects capacity.

Return to Homelessness:

1186 of the 3354 entries were of persons who were entered into an Emergency Shelter (ES), Transitional Housing (TH), or Permanent Housing (PH) project in the 24 months prior to their 2020 FY entry.  This is a return to homelessness rate of 36%. The 1186 return to homelessness entries was down 181 persons or -13.2% from the 2019 fiscal year.

First Time Experiencing Homelessness:

2168 of the 3345 entries are considered first time homeless due to persons not having an entry into an ES, TH, PH project the 24 months prior. This is a first-time homelessness rate of 66% for the 2020 fiscal year. The 2168 first time homeless entries were down 324 persons or -22.3% from the 2019 fiscal year.

Tracking flow out of the system aka “outflow”

Measure 3: Number of Homeless Persons

(Reports on sheltered and unsheltered homeless within our CoC)

Metric 3.1 – Change in PIT Counts

Metric 3.2 – Change in Annual Counts

Number of Sheltered Homeless Persons (Measure 3) Synopsis:

Change in Annual Counts:

CoC – NC-507 had a reduction in all project types (permanent housing not included in this measure) in the 2020 fiscal year. The total unduplicated sheltered homeless persons are 3291 in 2020 fiscal year, down 839 persons or -20.3% from the 2019 fiscal year.  Emergency Shelters (ES) saw a reduction of 791 persons or -19.9% from the 2019 fiscal year. Transitional Housing saw a reduction of 76 persons or -28.7% from the 2019 fiscal year. A decrease in project capacity due to COVID-19 was the primary reason for the year over year reduction in the number of sheltered homeless persons. All Emergency Shelter projects and most Transitional Housing projects maintained a waitlist for project entry in the 2020 fiscal year, therefore, there was not a reduction in need for these services.


Change in Point in Time (PIT) Counts:

There were very minor changes in the PIT count from January 2019 and January 2020. At the time of the January 2020 PIT count, projects had not reduced to their COVID-19 capacity and were operating with similar capacity to the 2019 PIT count.

Measure 1: Length of Time Persons Remain Homeless

(Reports on times homeless during and prior to the reporting start date. Measure b looks at time spent in PH projects prior to being housed)

Measure 1a - Metric 1.1

Length of Time (LOT) Persons Remain Homeless: Change in the average and median LOT homeless in ES and SH projects

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Measure 1a - Metric 1.2

Length of Time (LOT) Persons Remain Homeless: Change in average and median LOT homeless in ES, SH, and TH

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Measure 1b - Metric 1.1

Length of Time (LOT) Persons Remain Homeless based on data element (3.17): Persons in ES, SH, and PH (prior to “housing move in”)

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Measure 1b - Metric 1.2

Length of Time (LOT) Persons Remain Homeless based on data element (3.17): Persons in ES, SH, TH, and PH (prior to “housing move in”)

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Length of Time (LOT) Persons Remain Homeless (Measure 1) Synopsis:

CoC – NC-507 saw large increases in the length of time (LOT) persons remain homeless across all projects in the 2020 fiscal year. The average LOT persons remained homeless increased 28% from 2019 to 2020 fiscal year.

Emergency Shelter (Measure 1a – Metric 1.1)

Emergency Shelters (ES) saw a LOT homeless average of 74 bed nights, this is an increase of 16 bed nights or 27.6% from the 2019 fiscal year. The median LOT homeless increased by 16 bed nights from 29 in 2019 to 45 in 2020 fiscal year.

Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing (Measure 1a – Metric 1.2)

Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing combined have an average LOT homeless of 100 bed nights in the 2020 fiscal year. This is a 23 bed night increase (29.9%) from the 2019 fiscal year. The median LOT homeless increased by 18 bed night (54.5%) during the same time.

Emergency Shelter & Permanent Housing project – prior to housing move in (Measure 1b – Metric 1.1)

Permanent Housing (PH) projects have very few persons exit the project, this causes a long LOT homeless for persons prior to housing move in dates. The average LOT homeless for Emergency Shelters and Permanent Housing projects increased 89 bed nights to 412 in the 2020 fiscal year. This is a 27.6% year over year increase. The median LOT homeless increased 80 bed nights to 201 over the same period, this is an increase of 66.1%.

Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Permanent Housing project – prior to housing move in (Measure 1b – Metric 1.2)

This metric is like measure 1b – metric 1.1 with the addition of Transitional Housing projects. The average LOT homeless increased 88 bed nights to 416 in the 2020 fiscal year. This is a 26.8% increase year over year. The median LOT homeless increased 85 bed nights or 66.4% over the same period.

Measure 4: Employment and Income Growth for Homeless Persons in CoC Program-funded Projects

(Reports on increases in earned income and non-employment income for those that are still served by PH project OR left the PH project)

Metric 4.1

Change in earned income for adult system stayers during the reporting period

Metric 4.2

Change in non-employment income for adult system stayers during the reporting period

Metric 4.3

Change in total income for adult system stayers during the reporting period

Metric 4.4

Change in earned income for adult system leavers

Metric 4.5

Change in non-employment income for adult system leavers

Metric 4.6

Change in total income for adult system leavers

Employment and Income Growth for Homeless Persons (Measure 4)

This measure looks at income growth for persons staying and leaving Permanent Housing projects. For the 2020 fiscal year, there was an increase in both the number of system stayers and system leavers in Permanent Housing projects, however, only 129 total persons (both system stayers & leavers) income increased in the 2020 fiscal year compared to 153 total persons in 2019. 2020 fiscal year showed a decrease in all income related metrics. In the 2020 fiscal year, 27.5% of total persons (both system stayers and leavers) showed increased total income compared to 34.2% in 2019. This is a year over year difference of -6.7%.

Measure 7: Successful Placement from Street Outreach and Successful Placement in or Retention of Permanent Housing

(Reports on successful outflow from the homelessness system)

Metric 7a.1

Change in exits to permanent housing destinations

Metric 7b.1

Change in exits to permanent housing destinations

Metric 7b.2

Change in exit to or retention of permanent housing