White Flag
White Flag provides temporary emergency shelter to people experiencing homelessness during severe weather. In the winter, White Flag is declared on nights the temperature or windchill is expected to be below 35 degrees. White Flag opens based the availability of a location and staffing.
The NC 507 Continuum of Care (CoC) will use the National Weather Service (weather.gov) as the source for weather forecasts to determine the need for opening a white flag weather-related event. The National Weather Service (NWS) issues outlooks, watches, warnings, and advisories for all winter weather hazards. The CoC-Homeless Emergency Response Committee (HERC) will monitor NWS outlooks and begin assessing the need for opening White Flag shelter(s).
The 10-day forecast data, in consultation with HERC, and White Flag Shelters will be used to declare a white flag event and notify the White Flag Shelters, CoC, City of Raleigh, and Wake County Government partners of the need to open the emergency white flag shelter. HERC will also send out a notification to the CoC providers along with instructions on how to direct those in need to the emergency shelter and their hours of operation. HERC, the Raleigh Wake Partnership, and St John’s MCC will serve as the liaisons and coordinators between the CoC, White Flag shelters, and partners.
Operations and coordination for the 2023-24 Winter White Flag Season will be managed by St. John MCC. Pastor Vance Haywood, Senior Pastor is the HERC Chair.