System Performance Measure 3
Number of Homeless Persons
COC – NC-507 had 322 persons return to homelessness after 2 years out of all clients who had exited to a permanent housing destination.
This is a return to homelessness rate of 24%.
Change in Annual Counts
CoC – NC-507 had a reduction in all project types (permanent housing not included in this measure) in the 2020 fiscal year.
- The TOTAL unduplicated sheltered homeless persons is 3,291 in 2020 fiscal year, down 839 persons or -20.3% from the 2019 fiscal year.
- Emergency Shelters (ES) saw a reduction of 791 persons or -19.9% from the 2019 fiscal year.
- Transitional Housing saw a reduction of 76 persons or -28.7% from the 2019 fiscal year.
A decrease in project capacity due to COVID-19 was the primary reason for the year over year reduction in the number of sheltered homeless persons. All Emergency Shelter projects and most Transitional Housing projects maintained a waitlist for project entry in the 2020 fiscal year, therefore, there was not a reduction in need for these services.
Change in Point in Time (PIT) Counts
There were very minor changes in the PIT count from January 2019 and January 2020. At the time of the January 2020 PIT count, projects had not reduced to their COVID-19 capacity and were operating with similar capacity to the 2019 PIT count.