Performance Measures
Length of Time Persons Remain Homeless
Measure 1
We measure the length of time persons remain homeless based on four parameters.
Return to Homelessness
Measure 2
Reports on those who were permanently housed in the 2 years prior to the reporting period who subsequently became homeless.
Number of Homeless Persons
Measure 3
Reports on sheltered and unsheltered homeless within our CoC.
Income and Growth
Measure 4
Reports on increases in earned income and non-employment income for those that are still served by PH project OR left the PH project.
First-Time Homelessness
Measure 5
Reports on those who are newly homeless as determined by having no HMIS enrollments in the past 2 years.
Successful Placement in Permanent Housing
Measure 7
Reports on successful outflow from the homelessness system.
NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 crisis, HUD is not requiring reporting on System Performance Measure 6 (Homelessness of Families with Children/Youth) for fiscal year 2020